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Perustettu 30.08.2018 14:51:03 Jäseniä 16 Vierailuja 1 076 Medioita 1329

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 32 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 2.72 MB, 1 tiedosto
30.04.2019 19:47:39
[ + 0 | ]

Carach Angren - When Crows Tick On Windows (OV)

30.04.2019 19:48:20
#196082 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Three quite calm nights went by
Merely the silence before a new tempest arrived
All hell breaks loose on night four

The children can now hear how father is whipping their squealing mother
With his leather belt while she falls to the floor
The fear and tension is rising by the day
The boy falls asleep but his sister is kept awake
By having serious thoughts for the two of them to escape
Tick-tock! It's time to go!
For there's a crow...

Tick! Tock... Ticking on her window
She has no explanation why she has a terrible feeling
That someone is going to die (?)

Next morning they leave everything behind
They bring some clothes, water, and bread
They run with fear
But without hesitation and regret
Without looking back

Darkness has fallen
Two children are afraid and lost in the night
They walk on an old road when a car appears
And they're too slow to hide

Goddamn! He found them!
Goddamn! He found them!
Goddamn! He found them!
His eyes glow like those of Satan himself!

He's cursing, pounding, screaming!
Throws his son into the car
Hits his little daughter so hard!
"Tell me the truth. I know this was you
But no more, little whore
I will punish you like I've never done before."

His eyes glow like those of Satan himself!

They get beat, locked up, and mistreated
There's no place like home!
There's no place like home

Heh heh heh

And she opens her eyes after another brutal night
Weeping winds whining hopeless tones
And there's no sunshine, it's still dark outside
The living room is trashed
There are bloodstains and pieces of glass everywhere
Father still passed out on the couch

"Where's mother?"
And why is there water dripping down the stairs?

She walks up the staircase and sees her little brother
Holding on to the doorpost of the bathroom
As if he just had seen a ghost

His body is frozen, eyes wide open
He does not react to her voice
"What's wrong?"
A tear rolls over his pale face

And then the sight of their dead mother
Floating in light red water
Flowing from the bathtub
She had left the water faucet open
Taken an overdose of pills and slit both her wrists

No! She is dead! She is dead! Mother is dead!


Mama, why?
Mother, goodbye
Mommy, why?
Oh, mother...


When crows tick on windows
Oh, when crows tick on windows

[ 1 viestiä | ]