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Perustettu 15.10.2017 22:04:52 Jäseniä 7 Vierailuja 367 Medioita 120

Retrowave/synthwave/future funk/darksynth yms.

Wice - Aliens Wice - Aliens
LA-Z Rider Simpsonit LA-Z Rider Simpsonit
† Carpenter Brut † TURBO KILLER † Of † Carpenter Brut † TURBO KILLER † Of
My Neon Lover - A Synthwave Mix My Neon Lover - A Synthwave Mix
Electric Youth - The Best Thing Electric Youth - The Best Thing
Dystopia - A Synthwave Mix Dystopia - A Synthwave Mix
The Villain - A Synthwave Mix The Villain - A Synthwave Mix
Stranger Synths - Retro Synthwave Mixtape Stranger Synths - Retro Synthwave Mixtape
Floydshayvious - One Last Run Floydshayvious - One Last Run
DANCE WITH THE DEAD - From Hell (Official Video) DANCE WITH THE DEAD - From Hell (Official Video)
POWERCYAN - Disciples of the Night POWERCYAN - Disciples of the Night
Timecop1983 - On the Run Timecop1983 - On the Run
Turbo Knight - Rasengan Turbo Knight - Rasengan
Dark Synthwave || Horror Synth || Slasher Wave || Dark Electroni Dark Synthwave || Horror Synth || Slasher Wave || Dark Electroni
Kalax - Dream Kalax - Dream
College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero (Drive OST) College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero (Drive OST)
Runnin in the 80s Runnin in the 80s
Enemy Mind - A Synthwave Mix Enemy Mind - A Synthwave Mix
DJ Ten - Viral Lust (feat. Trevor Something) DJ Ten - Viral Lust (feat. Trevor Something)
Spell of the Moon (Synthwave - Outrun - Futuresynth Mix) Spell of the Moon (Synthwave - Outrun - Futuresynth Mix)
Witchouse vaporware Witchouse vaporware
'Back To The 80's' | Best of Synthwave And Retro Electro Music M 'Back To The 80's' | Best of Synthwave And Retro Electro Music M
Takaisin tulevaisuuteen Takaisin tulevaisuuteen
Mega Drive - Flawless Mega Drive - Flawless
 49 näyttökertaa, 0 viestiä, 0.31 MB, 1 tiedosto
10.12.2017 15:37:50
[ + 1 | ]

The Villain - A Synthwave Mix


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